A country I would like to visit
A country I always have wanted to go is Spain. My mom always
talk about the amazing time that she had on Spain. So I want to know how
amazing really it is. My mom told me about most of the things that I know about
Spain. All the other things that I know, I knew it because the Spanish photographers
that I follow on Instagram.
On Spain, there is a lot of art and architecture. I want to
go there to see it. Also there is an important transcendence from the Arab
culture, specifically in Andalucía. I want to travel around all Spain but Andalucía
is that place that I can’t let visit. If I go there probably I will try to go
every place where is possible, take many photos and also listen to flamenco music.
I always liked this music, again because
my mother. I have going with her to many shows from this art. It´s so relaxing to
listen to this music, I love it.
But if talk about not just visiting Spain I probably choose
Barcelona. Barcelona is that place that I don’t know why it is so attractive to
me. If I can, I would like to live there for a couple of years. It seems so
magical to live there. Barcelona is knew it for being an art center and it is
also all the Gaudi influence in the architecture form here.
Truly I want to visit and take pictures of a lot of places in
the world, but visit Spain is one of those things that are at my list of things
to do before I die. So it have the priority.
You have to go to cataluña and see the holy family build