my dream job

My dream job and my future

Resultado de imagen de architecture
Well, I´m studying architecture so people used to think that I going to work on that in some architecture office and designing things in AutoCAD and all that world. But I don´t think so.
I´m studying architecture just because I like it. But I don’t want to work on that. I think life couldn´t be that easy. I want more from life that the typical order of life. Study, work, get married, have kids and die. Well, I´m studying, I will have to work on the future, and also I want to have a kid someday. But I want more.

Resultado de imagen de fotografíaI don´t know nothing about future, we don´t know nothing about future (well there is a climate crisis so there is no future) but I know something about my future. I will still taking pictures. It´s the only thing that I know. I don´t want to work like a typical architect. Also I don´t know where I will work, but I know that my camera will always be with me.
If I can choose my perfect work I will like to travel around the world and take photos wherever I go. I want to show the world to the people. Show them whats happening, what we did, and what we are doing.

Resultado de imagen de clasic architectureI don´t want to be all the year sitting on a chair and making lines on the computer. I want something different. I don´t care about money, it always come and go. I want experiences, I want to love what I do every day.
Don´t misunderstand me, I love the architecture and all it history. I just want to focus on a different way my life.

But all this thing isn´t important. The only thing that all we have on the future it is change. So it just left us to survive, smile and keep enjoying the little moments that we have today.

Have a good day J

 Resultado de imagen de that s all folks


  1. The architecture is so diverse that you can do whatever you want! It's what I like most about this program.
    Good luck in what you decide and remember that you can always change and flow, everything will be fine as long as you are happy.

  2. I like the vision you have about your future , because very few people know what the relly want, or at first they know it, but in the end they end up in something that is absolutely not what they wanted, since they are influenced by the different prejudices that society give us . I hope you don´t lose what your heart really wants . Good Luck !


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