A postgraduate course that I would take in the future

Resultado de imagen para futuroI don´t know if I want to take postgraduate course. It seems so far on time. I believe that it could be a good idea but If I have the chance I wouldn´t know what to study.
It´s weird to talk about my studies. I always say that I don´t know, but it´s true, how can I know what I will want to study in 5 years more? I´m not even convinced about studying architecture.

It isn´t a problem that I think about every day but there it is.

Resultado de imagen para environmental architectureHowever, one of the reasons for I take this program it was that I want to create buildings and spaces more friendly with the environment. And try to care more about the earth using the knowledge that I will have. So I think that it could be a great idea to take a postgraduate course about that, like environmental architecture. I hope that exists.

Resultado de imagen para snoopy comic happiness
I don´t hate to study, I love to share knowledge. It is just a little complicated to me to talk about the future. It makes anxious. A time ago I thought a lot about future and today I just want to leave that the time take me where it wants. I just want to feel happy every day, so I will take that way. I will choice the option that make me happy in that moment. But if I have to choose a postgraduate today I probably will choose something to make architecture environmental.

Or maybe throw it all away and study photography


  1. Sustainability is a very important area of ​​architecture in these times of environmental crisis.


  2. What a complicated companion, I hope that in all the paths that life takes you, you will be happy.


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